Friday, August 19, 2011

The Challenger (NASA)

It was a video clip on the discussion with NASA, TAIOKOL, and their engineers, on the night before the launch. It was the first time NASA welcomed qualified people on board together to go to space feel the extraordinary experience apart from astronauts. NASA had launched space shuttles into the space and having its astronauts coming back in one piece for 19 times before that, and the twentieth marked the first time it would be taking customers “for a ride”.

The engineers from TAIOKOL were extremely uncertain the day before the launch. From their Point of View, the old rings in the shuttles were too cold and has thus contracted, thus it cannot serve its function of sealing up the gases such that they do not leak out. Yet, NASA thinks that they should, and have, to launch the space craft or they could not explain to the rest of the world, and The Challengers. The engineers took several pictures of the old rings in the space craft but they stated that from their personal experience, the old rings looked blacker than normal and are afraid, not ready for the next day. The temperature outside that day was around 17 degrees, which is way lower than the minimum temperature the old rings were designed to accommodate for.

Yet, NASA rebutted by stating two examples of which also flew when the temperature was below the range old rings could withstand and still seal and nothing happened to them. The engineers could very well explain to NASA about why, but they did not know how, and the next day, the space shuttle exploded a few minutes after its take off…….

From this video clip, i have learnt many lessons, the first being how important every single step is in making decision, especially heavy ones like whether the space craft should take off the next day. It is absolutely necessary to make sure of everything and plan it ahead. The mistakes made in the film that caused the disaster was the firstly, the engineers should not have just gave up when they knew something was just not right. Next, they should have, like NASA said, brought up the issue about just how cold can the old ring function in. Thirdly, this discussion should not have even took place just the night before the takeoff, it should have been planned way ahead, such that they can have time to discuss of any sudden change.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Incident in Norway

On the 25th of July, the government building of Norway was greeted by a suddenly explosion, killing 10 and harming many others. Without even giving time for the citizens of Norway to recover from the shock, another worse case of massive death happened. On small island just near the coast of Oslo, more than a hundred teenagers were killed. These two acts are done by the same person, but shockingly not a terrorist, but someone whom has grown up in Norway. All of these make the entire world wonder if it really did happened in Norway.

Police took about 2 and more hours to arrive at the island to stop the massacre by the Norway man, whom was killing anyone on sight with a Micro Galil Scope. On that day, the island was filled with teenagers from different countries. The result of the slow reaction of the police and the army resulted in the deaths of more than 100 teens on the island.

Actually, the fact that the police took so long to arrive is expected. Firstly, in such a peaceful country like Norway, they are not trained to respond too well to these situations. Next, the reason the government gave for such a slow response was because of the lack of helicopter in the place and had to take a car to travel there. This was expected, since Norway is a country not like China or America which are developing. Instead, Norway gives a sense of calm and slow paced society perfect for tourism. But this is also why many citizens in Norway are unhappy with so many immigrants.

We can see that after so many years after the collapse of the WTC, those whom disagree with the government and the letting in of so many immmigrants became the main cause of the problems of such countries. ALthough there have been some unhappy conflicts in between, such a massacre is still extremely rare. What does this mean to Singapore, a country which their citizens are also unhappy with the influx of immigrants? Although PM lee always emphasizes of racial harmony, I personally think that a special platform for Singaporeans to voice their views for the government to work is required to further prevent these things from happening.

Anyway, who wants their family and loved ones to be in danger?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Snow White, poisoned by the apple?

Who haven't heard of the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? And who doesn't know about how she was poisoned by her step-mother? Such as story has accompanied us through our early years, but who would have thought that such a story would be played over and over again in our realistic life now?

As technology advances, more and more people young people are interacting with technology and advanced devices. Wherever one goes, we would find a few people with an "Iphone" at hand, some listening to music, some playing apps like "Angry Birds" or "Fruit Ninja", while others with an Ipad watches a movie or plays a racing game. As the number of high-tech products gets even more in the market, more people involve themselves in a virtual world, instead of feeling the real nature of the Earth.

Its is true that these products have brought life much easier for us, if it was not for these inventions, we would not be able to communicate with each other, if it was not for these things we wouldn't be able to gain access to millions of information at the click of a mouse.

But now we are too dependent of them, instead of using technology with a grateful thought in mind. This deadly, poisoned apple has already infected many in the world, even little kids who still cant speak, you see them carrying a Ipad around while their parents is busy. Well then, imagine what will they be like when they grow up? Spending their childhood with such products instead of friends?

Thus, i think we should stop spending too much time to these addictive products and go out and enjoy the nature. Don't wait till you are already too old before you realise how much of life you have missed when you were young.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In the newspaper, there have been a stunning achievement for Shanghai, China. In an international contest for all countries in three areas, the city topped in all. These three areas are science, math and reading ,their mother tongue. Countries like the united States, England and Singapore participated in this test. The principal of HCI was interested in the reason as to why Singapore could not score higher than Shanghai in any of the areas and thus wishes to know how the method of education is different from Singapore, learning from a school in Shanghai.The current secondary school principal of that school in Shanghai is Zhangren Li, and the method of teaching he uses is called '后茶馆教学方法'. This teaching method is inherited from his teacher, 段力佩. He was a famous educator, and the method was invented by him.

Just like what a tea shop hints, this method is mainly the students doing the discussion and talking instead of the traditional teacher way. The method consists of 4 components, reading, discussing, practicing and talking. Reading, is reading of textbooks, on what will be thought that day. Whereas discussing, is a group discussion. While the students reads the textbook, the teacher will write down, on the white board what to take note off in the text. Then, after the reading is over, questions will be asked by both the teacher and students and groups of, normally 4, will be assigned to discuss about the questions and come out of answers with their knowledge and from the textbook. Then, each group would answer each other's questions, with the help of the teacher. Only then would a lesson end.

What i would like to ask it is, why is it, Singapore a more developed country as compared to China, cannot score higher than Shanghai in any of the three areas? Shouldn't Singapore be worried?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Music Project ~

Our music project, which Mr Ong had assigned us to do, started off with me, quek yong jie and raywen. We decided to play an orchestra piece since we three are all from the hwachong string orchestra. I play the viola, raywen the cello and yongjie plays the double bass. Thus, we initially chose the piece Canon in D since it is simple yet can be played with these few people. Canon in D also requires a violinist and thus we invited eliel to help us.

Then, as the weeks went by, i changed my CCA and we could not get all the parts of the score for Canon in D. Therefore, we decided to change to sing a rap song by Jay Chou titled 听妈妈的话. It is a song about how and why we should listen to our mother.

Lets hope we archive success tomorrow (:

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Merchant of Venice (Reflection)

The Merchant of Venice is a tragic comedy by William Shakespeare which, Ms Huang, our Language Arts teacher told us to read other the holidays.

Most of us did not do it, and thus this reflection post about why each of us did not read the book. Well, i had left Singapore for Shanghai before SMB message to read the book. When i reached Shanghai, there wasn't any internet connection to access SMB at my relatives house. Therefore i didn't know of such a book that i have to read.

When my flight back to Singapore touched ground on the 18th of June, I had to rush all of my holiday homework before cca camp from 22nd to 24th. Yet, on the morning of 22nd, i fainted because of some illness and was sent to hospital and the last few days of holiday was spent recovering. Thus, i did not read the Merchant of Venice before school starts.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Feature Article

Prejudice against the Disabled at Work
Despite many years of making changes to the way we work, prejudice around employing disabled people is still common.

A study conducted has revealed that 4 out of 10 disabled workers has been prejudged or discriminated at work. The report by the charity Leonard Cheshire Disability also found that 1 out of 5 disabled worker believed that they have not been promoted because of their disability.

The report also revealed that a fifth believed they were over-qualified for their job, and 1 in 10 respondents who required a workplace change to do their job weren’t paid by the company.

John Knight, Leonard Cheshire Disability's head of policy and campaigns, said that the levels of prejudice and discrimination in the workplace reported in our survey are extremely high.

Prejudice is less common for the younger group

However, the report did find that only half as many 18- to
24-year-olds as 45- to 54- year-olds have experienced workplace discrimination or prejudice.

This shows that the discrimination against the unimpaired is getting better for younger people. But the survey provides a clear indication that disabled people can still face many barriers in the workplace.

Acts like, for example, if a business only has a staircase entrance and people with wheelchairs cannot enter, this is prejudiced or discriminatory towards disabled people.

The level of discrimination disabled people still face is surprising given the fact that among most respondents, it is agreed that they are more loyal workers.

Almost 90% of respondents did not agree that the turnover rate for disabled workers would be higher than that for non-disabled workers. Also, 43% did not think that disabled people would be more likely to be frequently absent. So the preconception that the disabled take more time off is not true.

There are people who will still be prejudiced towards disabled people as they don’t understand disability that the world is full of many different people. Some of these prejudiced people will target people on the sole basis that they are in a wheelchair, some because the people have learning difficulties and some because they look different from others.


"If the government really wants to support disabled people back to work then tackling discrimination and removing barriers to work must be a top priority."

For example, a job interview consisted of something needing to be read, and a blind person was interviewed, the company should have a tape recording of the question for him to hear.

Finding solutions to the challenges faced by disabled employees are among the top priorities. Where the work needs to be done is in overwhelming prejudice that is still a problem the disabled face at work.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bob found died, Jem injured

Last night, Bob launched his planned attack on Atticus’ two children, Jem and Scout. Jem was unconscious and Bob was pronounced dead shortly after, leaving Scout at the scene, unharmed. The two was passing by the Radley’s house when “Jem said he heard something.” Said Scout when asked, by Mr. Tate.

It was one an hour after the Maycomb Halloween pageant, and the two children were on their way back from their schoolhouse. Scout was wearing an eye-catching costume when Bob Ewell was believed to have attempted to stab them with a kitchen knife.

Jem and Scout initially thought it was just their friend, Cecil, playing a prank on them like before. Jem later realized the danger; the “stranger” shuffled and dragged his feet.

The three struggled and fought in the dark. Scout was pushed into a wire mesh and just when Bob tries to strangle her, “Jem got up and knocked Mr. Ewell down.” Said Scout. Bob staggered and panted after falling on his own knife, as what Tate concluded after investigating the scene. Mr. Tate believes Bob Ewell accidentally stumbled while holding the knife, while his weight drove it into his chest.

The Finch family called Dr. Reynolds immediately after discovering their two children. “He’s got a bump on the head just like yours, and a broken arm.”, He said.

Mr. Tate and Atticus quarreled over whether Jem killed Bob Ewell after the murder. Atticus thinks that Jem killed Bob Ewell, and disagreed with Heck when Heck said Bob Ewell fell on his knife.

Mr. Finch seemed shocked about the incident, “I thought he’d got it all out of him the day he threatened me. Even if he hadn’t, I thought he’d come after me. “

Boo Radley made his rare appearance at the time of the murder, saving Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell.

“Let the dead bury the dead”, said Mr. Tate.

Monday, April 18, 2011

LA online lesson post 2

The pianist
A day in the life of the 20th century war…
Today, I finished my last potato I had since three days ago. The water supply had stopped long ago, and I was living on rainwater. I was trying to conserve my energy when, all of a suddenly, the room right next to room was bombed by a tank. I stood rooted in my room when I saw the dead bodies fly from my right into mine. They were still burning, and I knew I had a few seconds to run from safety before I’m blown up too. I ran up the stairs to the rooftop regardless of how tired I was, then. Finding a way down the roof without being spotted, I was shocked to find the cremate plate on top of me drop in the silence. A sniper wasn’t far from me. As I tried fanatically to jump down the floors, I missed my step and few to the ground, and injured my left leg terribly. I dragged my dead body away from that building, and crawled until I saw a demolished building. Inside a yet to be destroyed thoroughly kitchen, I found food and water.

LA online lesson post

First pix

Finally receiving some peace, three wounded soldiers quickly treats their teammate. Seeming to be hurt or perhaps even shot near the shoulder, he almost seemed dead, yet still grabbing onto his M16 rifle. As one looks out for enemies or maybe allies, another is wrapping a cloth around his deeply injured teammate, who still had his machine gun bullets coiled around his body. The three lonely soldiers are tired, but that didn’t mean they could waste time or relax, since they can be dead the next second.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sabbaticals for me

The point for sabbaticals is to choose something that you are interested in and learn it during that particular week. It's not for you to take part in something that you do not like at all. The situation i have here is my dad asked me to pay the fees for sabbaticals. It doesn't sound too impossible yet. But i my pocket money does not include anything than the minimum i require for my bus fares and buying food(reccess, lunch and dinner). Furthermore, none of my own ang-pao money can be used by me, which leaves me with absolutely no more extra money to pay those sabbatical courses which i'm interested in. When i asked my dad about it, he said it's just too bad, and that i will choose courses which i do not like, or earn the money myself. How reasonable.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Anyone is guilty who watches this and does nothing

Many a times, boys who only knows how to study are called nerds by his peers. This refers to those who limit their free time like reccess and after school to only studying and mugging. Actually i agree that one should spend his or her free time more efficiently like doing sports or even playing something instead of just one thing. But most of the time those people are being called names and given permanent nicknames because of that, and many just choose to close one eye. I think that even though i disagree with just studying all the time, it's still one's right to choose what to do, after all. Therefore i think others shouldn't give those people nicknames or look down on them. Nonetheless, they are our friends and we should respect them.

Term 1 reflections


MA:3 (A1 & C6)
IS: 1

I think i should have revised more for my first maths test. After i received the paper, i realised that most of them were careless mistakes which i shouldn't have made. I actually understood most of the content and should have gotten an A1, this way, my MSG would have decreased. I also realised that studying too hard the night before the test actually decreases my performance next day.

Another subject i think i need to buck up more is IH. I did not spend enough time remembering the historical evidences, therefore leading to the pathetic result. I should work harder next term, but i so hope i could relax for a day or so during the week-long holiday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Book review - Twilight: Eclipse

The books talk about a teenage girl named Beka. Her parents lived separately, but it had been such a long time since she had lived with her dad. Beka attended the High School of this new yet familiar place, and been attracted to a boy, Edward. Edward is the most handsome boy in the school, but he was actually an vampire almost a hundred years old. In the first book in the Bekaa and Edward was in love with each other. Vampires are very powerful, very fast, and live forever, but people can not last long, so the Bekaa begged Edward to make beka become a vampire herself.

In the second book, on Beka's eighteenth birthday, Edward and his family held a birthday party for her, but unfortunately, Beka accidentally cut her hand and blood flew out. Edward and some members of his family couldn't resist the temptation of blood, so that Edward realized they are actually risking Beka's life by staying at her side. For the safety of Beka, he endured the pain, and left with his family, hoping that Bekaa will forget him.

When Beka found out that Edward had left, she couldn't resist her tears, and she completely collapsed. Fortunately, her friend Jacob, was always there to comfort her, help her with her play. Beka know Jacob liked her, but still can not forget Edward. Then one day, Beka found out that Jacob was a werewolf! She wondered painfully why her lover and best friend are all not normal human beings... When on a trip of Bungee jumping, Alice thought the Beka couldn't take Edward's silent departure and committed suicide. When Edward learned of this, he realised with Beka, his life was meaningless. He then went ahead to pleaded the most powerful vampire family killed him.

Alice came back to where Beka lived and found her alive, and realised that they had to stop Edward fast, or never see him again. Finally arriving at that vampire's house, the most powerful head of the family discovered the power of the Beka, which is some resistance to the vampire powers. They ordered Edward to transform Beka into an vampire before she turns 18 in order for his release. Who would know that the head of the vampire family actually wanted Beka and Edward, due to their special power, to become his servants one day...

Views on racism

To me, racism is intolerable as people should be treated equally, and not having levels between them. The film Mississippi Burning made me disliked the idea of racism even more. Racism meant that a certain would have more power over the other, and that other race would be neglected and bullied and treated poorly. In Mississippi Burning, the blacks could be buried in a normal cemetery, couldn't drink from a normal water cooler...etc. The whites disgraced the black just because of their skin colour, which totally did not made sense as the black might be better than the white in all jobs if they had received the same education. I think that racism is something i'd wish to get rid of forever from this world if i could.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Run-on sentences

"A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses with no connectors between them. If independent clauses are not separated into distinct sentences by a period, then they must be connected by a conjunction or by a semicolon. Eliminating run-on sentences from your writing will make your thoughts easier to follow and understand"

A run-on sentence is two different sentences joint together with no connectors between them. examples are "I want a drink, i like cheese." A run-on sentence is supposed to be separated into two sentences.


The three types of irony:

Situational irony:

Situational irony is whereby an outcome turns out to be very different from what was expected. It also means the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually did.

Dramatic irony:

Dramatic irony is normally shown by some characters when other characters are not around and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the other characters in the play.

Verbal irony:

Verbal irony is pretty much sarcasm, saying the opposite of what someone actually meant.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mississippi burning

Mississippi burning was a movie watched these two lessons. The story was about three persons murdered because two of them were black and another was a Jew. They were killed by the KKK who were extremely racist. Two FBI agents were called down to investigate and later found that this town was extremely racist and the blacks drank from different sink from the white, buried in different cemeteries, and lived away from them. This made the FBI's work very difficult as the black would not dare to talk to the FBI because the KKK will attempt to attack them if they do. In the end, the FBI agents set a trap and managed to get hold of one of the KKK, Lester. Through lester, they finally managed to track down the the entire bunch of people in the KKK.

This movie truly reflects how racism can cause hate and fights and deaths. It shows how scary racism is, and how we should try our best to avoid it. We should also learn to respect others no matter what their race is.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Compromise is whereby two parties come to an mutual agreement when they adjust their requirements to suit each other. Normally both parties would think they lose out at the end of the argument and wonder if they are at the unfair side. If side a has 4 requirements and side b has 4 opposite requirements, compromising is around taking 2 requirements of a and other 2 from b, and both will have to agree on the decision to be called compromised.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Elements of a short story

In this lesson, i learnt first and third person's uses and effects so as to better use them in my future narrative stories. First person's perspective can be used to make readers feel how that narrator is thinking, his mental changes. Whereas third person is able to describe things in more detail and also go from multiple perspectives. Also, when the narrator is not very trust-worthy, i learnt that his or her judgments of other character may not be correct and reliable. When the narrator is far away from the entire incident or main event, it will make readers feel it's from a outsider's points of view.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

LA online lesson week 4 - Picture description

The sky is pale and clear with translucent clouds under it. It is a deserted beach with absolutely no sign of people there. There is a little hut though, with a greyish roof and white and brown walls. It takes around 13 steps on the staircase from the white sands to the chocolate colored front door. Around the hut are different types of trees, forming almost a parallel line along the coast, their roots going into the sand. On the roof of the house are 2 antenna sticking out o it. The light blue sea is only shown a little on the picture.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Comic Strip

I chose the main character to be an old lady so that she would be the type who will require help from others. But instead of a mature young man to help her cross the road, it was a little kid who went out to help. The other kids who were playing along the streets did not offer a hand, contrasts with the little boy who helped the old lady. This shows the kind heart of children and how we should help one another.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

LA post week 2


What do I already know about prejudice
• A bad feeling about something
What do I want to learn about prejudice
• How is it used in life
• When is it felt