Monday, March 7, 2011

Sabbaticals for me

The point for sabbaticals is to choose something that you are interested in and learn it during that particular week. It's not for you to take part in something that you do not like at all. The situation i have here is my dad asked me to pay the fees for sabbaticals. It doesn't sound too impossible yet. But i my pocket money does not include anything than the minimum i require for my bus fares and buying food(reccess, lunch and dinner). Furthermore, none of my own ang-pao money can be used by me, which leaves me with absolutely no more extra money to pay those sabbatical courses which i'm interested in. When i asked my dad about it, he said it's just too bad, and that i will choose courses which i do not like, or earn the money myself. How reasonable.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Anyone is guilty who watches this and does nothing

Many a times, boys who only knows how to study are called nerds by his peers. This refers to those who limit their free time like reccess and after school to only studying and mugging. Actually i agree that one should spend his or her free time more efficiently like doing sports or even playing something instead of just one thing. But most of the time those people are being called names and given permanent nicknames because of that, and many just choose to close one eye. I think that even though i disagree with just studying all the time, it's still one's right to choose what to do, after all. Therefore i think others shouldn't give those people nicknames or look down on them. Nonetheless, they are our friends and we should respect them.

Term 1 reflections


MA:3 (A1 & C6)
IS: 1

I think i should have revised more for my first maths test. After i received the paper, i realised that most of them were careless mistakes which i shouldn't have made. I actually understood most of the content and should have gotten an A1, this way, my MSG would have decreased. I also realised that studying too hard the night before the test actually decreases my performance next day.

Another subject i think i need to buck up more is IH. I did not spend enough time remembering the historical evidences, therefore leading to the pathetic result. I should work harder next term, but i so hope i could relax for a day or so during the week-long holiday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Book review - Twilight: Eclipse

The books talk about a teenage girl named Beka. Her parents lived separately, but it had been such a long time since she had lived with her dad. Beka attended the High School of this new yet familiar place, and been attracted to a boy, Edward. Edward is the most handsome boy in the school, but he was actually an vampire almost a hundred years old. In the first book in the Bekaa and Edward was in love with each other. Vampires are very powerful, very fast, and live forever, but people can not last long, so the Bekaa begged Edward to make beka become a vampire herself.

In the second book, on Beka's eighteenth birthday, Edward and his family held a birthday party for her, but unfortunately, Beka accidentally cut her hand and blood flew out. Edward and some members of his family couldn't resist the temptation of blood, so that Edward realized they are actually risking Beka's life by staying at her side. For the safety of Beka, he endured the pain, and left with his family, hoping that Bekaa will forget him.

When Beka found out that Edward had left, she couldn't resist her tears, and she completely collapsed. Fortunately, her friend Jacob, was always there to comfort her, help her with her play. Beka know Jacob liked her, but still can not forget Edward. Then one day, Beka found out that Jacob was a werewolf! She wondered painfully why her lover and best friend are all not normal human beings... When on a trip of Bungee jumping, Alice thought the Beka couldn't take Edward's silent departure and committed suicide. When Edward learned of this, he realised with Beka, his life was meaningless. He then went ahead to pleaded the most powerful vampire family killed him.

Alice came back to where Beka lived and found her alive, and realised that they had to stop Edward fast, or never see him again. Finally arriving at that vampire's house, the most powerful head of the family discovered the power of the Beka, which is some resistance to the vampire powers. They ordered Edward to transform Beka into an vampire before she turns 18 in order for his release. Who would know that the head of the vampire family actually wanted Beka and Edward, due to their special power, to become his servants one day...

Views on racism

To me, racism is intolerable as people should be treated equally, and not having levels between them. The film Mississippi Burning made me disliked the idea of racism even more. Racism meant that a certain would have more power over the other, and that other race would be neglected and bullied and treated poorly. In Mississippi Burning, the blacks could be buried in a normal cemetery, couldn't drink from a normal water cooler...etc. The whites disgraced the black just because of their skin colour, which totally did not made sense as the black might be better than the white in all jobs if they had received the same education. I think that racism is something i'd wish to get rid of forever from this world if i could.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Run-on sentences

"A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses with no connectors between them. If independent clauses are not separated into distinct sentences by a period, then they must be connected by a conjunction or by a semicolon. Eliminating run-on sentences from your writing will make your thoughts easier to follow and understand"

A run-on sentence is two different sentences joint together with no connectors between them. examples are "I want a drink, i like cheese." A run-on sentence is supposed to be separated into two sentences.


The three types of irony:

Situational irony:

Situational irony is whereby an outcome turns out to be very different from what was expected. It also means the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually did.

Dramatic irony:

Dramatic irony is normally shown by some characters when other characters are not around and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the other characters in the play.

Verbal irony:

Verbal irony is pretty much sarcasm, saying the opposite of what someone actually meant.